Show Dates: Thursday 9th, Friday 10th and Saturday 11th June 2016
Opening times:
Gates open for ticket holders at 7.00 am Show Opens to the public at 8.30 am Trade stands and exhibits close from 6.30 pm
Coming to the Royal Cornwall Show is a great experience. We want it to be memorable in every way.
That's why we invest continually in new and upgraded facilities.
The sort of things we all want to find on a modern showground: Modern
and plentiful toilets, showers, newly surfaced roads and first class
services such as electricity and first aid.
A major new development for last year, was the construction of a new
exhibition hall which during the show will house cattle previously
stalled under canvas.
Well-behaved dogs on non-retractable leads are welcome.
There is an information centre next to the Pavilion Centre which provides more detail.
This has also been designated as a meeting point for those who have become separated from the rest of their group
Stewards at main entrances will also be happy to help provide information. But please be patient - they are busy people!
You will also find maps, an exhibitors' list and show news in the
official catalogue and souvenir guide, both of which are on sale on
Large-scale maps of the showground are placed at strategic points.
A free bus service runs within the showground, linking key areas. You can hop on and off as you please.
Please note that there are no dedicated facilities for disabled passengers on these buses.